CHAPTER ELEVEN RAJA RAM MOHAN ROY The history of India can be divided into three periods—ancient, mediaeval, and modern. Modern India dates from India's contact with the West Naturally this has been an era of strife and struggle, but it has also been a time of noble activity, Indians have done much valuable work in the fields of learning, science, and know- ledge, and they have also tried to reform them- selves in the social spheres of life. In the realm of the spirit, too, they have done many worthy things and no one would doubt that they have made every effort to advance and unify India politically. The impulse for all this has come from many different directions and from many different men. Of all the persons who have given a direction to the life of new India the most ho&oured is Raja Ram Mohan Roy. He was born at a critical time in the history of this country, and he did much to shape its political, social, and religious life. la order to understand Raja Rani Mohan Roy fiifly we should understand the condition of the country as it was whoa he was born. In tiie realm of literature time was oo great master;